4 Reasons it is Better to Stay Off Campus
Most school hostels have zero provision for privacy, usually you have more than two people in a room, with each person having his/her own corner and bunk bed. There is hardly any privacy in this hostels, with most students undressing and dressing while their roommates look on. Staying however off campus in a room rented by you will afford you more privacy and you get to choose and decide if you want a roommate or if you would prefer to stay alone.
Hostels in some schools are clean and hygienic which is highly commendable, however such hostels are few. Most school hostels are very unhygienic, due to large number of students sharing limited spaces, bathrooms and toilets. Also most are not properly cleaned and sanitized, neither are they maintained. Disease outbreak is very likely and unhygienic conditions are not ideal. Off-campus, you get to determine the cleanliness of your room and your immediate environment.
When protests and riots break out in a university, the hostels are usually majorly affected. Burning, looting, bodily harm and other crimes are usually committed around the school hostels, especially in cases where there is inadequate security. However, off campus, unless in special circumstances, they are rarely affected by such. Only in cases where there are general riots, may they be affected.
On special occasions, like Matriculation and Convocation, the likelihood that your family may come visiting your school is very high. Hostels are not built for that, the limited space and condition will make a visit highly improbable and even uncomfortable. However, Off campus, you are allowed to welcome your visitors to your room and entertain them.
N/B: If you have any other reason you think students should stay off campus, use the comment box or mail us. thanks