Saturday 19 December 2015

5 Best Christmas Gifts For Students

5 Best Christmas Gifts For Students

The Christmas season is here, and for most people it is a time for gift giving and generosity. However as the season gets closer, many are confused about what to give. Students are usually cash strapped by default. So how can you give the most appropriate and memorable gift to students in this Christmas season? What are the best gift items?

Well, have a quick peek below:

1. A Good Book
By book, i mean a novel or collection of short stories. Most students are readers. If possible find out the genre that appeals to the recipient most and then find the best in that category. Usually it is between N2,000 and N1,000. A good book will be memorable, so ensure you search properly before you pick it out.5 Best Christmas Gifts For Students

2. Backpacks
Students are usually lugging giant bags around containing their laptops and books, and most times this bags get worn out. Pick out a stylish and durable backpack for the recipient, it would be helpful to know his/her favorite color also.
5 Best Christmas Gifts For Students

3. Notebooks
No, i do not mean exercise books. Some gift shops have elegant well packaged notebooks with designed covers and luxurious jackets. You could buy a pack of this stylish notebooks and beautiful pens for the student in question.
5 Best Christmas Gifts For Students

4. Tablets
Android tablets and Apple tablets are another cool way to go, if you do not mind the added expense. Tablets help make school work easier and taking note in class will become a totally cool experience with a nice electronic tablet. You should pick out one with an excellent battery life and light weight.
5 Best Christmas Gifts For Students

5. Headphones
Preferably noise canceling headphones that will help the recipient concentrate, even in the most noisy of environments. The headphones could also be for music and relaxation. Pick out durable and stylish ones in the right color of course and the student will be extremely grateful.
5 Best Christmas Gifts For Students

15 Quotes Every Student Entrepreneur Must Memorize

15 Quotes Every Student Entrepreneur Must Memorize

 As a student entrepreneur, starting up a business, challenges are sure to arise. However, what are the major challenges entrepreneurs face when starting a small business from scratch? How do successful entrepreneurs and drop out billionaires handle and solve problems in business? Must an entrepreneur face these business challenges when starting a business?
Well, the following quotes, will answer your questions:

Starting a business is like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. In mid air, the entrepreneur begins building a parachute and hopes it opens before hitting the ground.” – Robert Kiyosaki
“Without the element of uncertainty, the bringing off of even, the greatest business triumph would be dull, routine and eminently unsatisfying.” – J. Paul Getty
A business has to be involving, it has to be fun and it has to exercise your creative instincts.” – Richard Branson
“He that is prepared has half won the battle.” – Chinese Proverb
“The biggest challenge you have is to challenge your own self doubt and your laziness. It is your self doubt and your laziness that defines and limit who you are.” – Rich Dad
“To have a great idea, have a lot of them.” – Thomas Edison
There is far more opportunity than there is ability.” – Thomas Edison

Business is going to change in the next ten years than it has in the last fifty years.” – Bill Gates
“Capital can do nothing without brains to direct it.” – J. Ogden Armour
The ability to sell is the number one skill in business. If you cannot sell, don’t bother thinking about becoming a business owner.” – Rich Dad
“Individuals don’t win in business, teams do.” – Sam Walton
Business and investing are team sports.” – Rich Dad
My model for business is the Beatles. They were four guys that kept each other’s negative tendencies in check; they balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts. Great things in business are not done by one person; they are done by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs
“The competition to hire the best will increase in the years ahead. Companies that give extra flexibility to their employees will have the edge in this area.” – Bill Gates
“You must fire bad customers just as you would fire a bad employee. If you do not get rid of your bad employees, the good employees will leave. If I do not fire bad customers, not only will my good customers leave but many of my good employees will leave as well.” – Rich Dad

How to make 100m Naira in a year

Let me start with a story. I will tell you the moral of the story and how you can make 100m. There's this restaurant in Yaba area of Lag...