Thursday 29 April 2021


Being successful students is the goal of many.
A successful student is a guaranteed success as an
adult. Therefore, whatever you do now while still
schooling has a huge impact on your life outside the
academia. This is a reason you need to make a
success of your days as a student. How though can
you be a successful student? Many authors have
tackled this subject with various degrees of success.
This article aims to bring together all the secrets into
five key points:

1. Work for that A
Most Students complain that they read extensively for a course but did not get the grade they desired. What they do not know, is that you have to work for grades, not just read. If you want an A in a course you have to know what it takes to get
that A.

Ask questions like:
What score is an A?
What do i have to score in the examination?
Do practicals, attendance, tests and other peripherals make up that score?
Work on each grade you want step by step
from the beginning of the semester.

2. Follow Instructions
Students that are successful, follow instructions
properly. Cutting corners during assignments,
laboratory practicals, Internships , Orientations will
backfire later on. Follow each instruction given,
listen and ask questions when instructions are not
clear. It is difficult to do this, but it is one sure way
to be successful. Do all you asked and make it fun.

3. Be Outgoing and Bold
It does not matter if you are naturally shy, you can
pretend to be an extrovert. This is important,
because there will be times when you need to walk
up to professors, to ask questions or ask for favors.
So learn to be bold and make that move. Your
network will make you successful, so you should
endeavor to build it as a student, it gets more
difficult outside the walls of school.

4. Study Hard
This is not an unnecessary addition. Notice i said
study, not read. The difference between studying a
textbook and reading it, is the difference between a
successful student and one who is not. So study
extensively, do more than the bare minimum, go
above average. It might require later nights, more
library visits, data spent on YouTube videos and
much more, but it will be worth it.

5. Get Up
The above tips might sound easy, but they are not.
Each one requires a certain level of persistence.
Many external factors outside your control might
mitigate against you to make you fail, this is
expected. But a successful student always gets up
after every fall. So learn to pick yourself up after
every F, find out where you slipped and work hard to
make sure it does not happen again.

Did you enjoy the tips? Then share this article with
friends and drop a comment below.

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